Teaching Module Outlines
Lesson 1: Keeping People Involved and Training New Leadership
How do we develop a community of people who are committed to working together?
In this module, we will look at ways to support each other and develop community that includes self-care and care of the movement.
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Lesson 2: Four Basic Roles of Social Activism
If you want to get involved, where are you going to be most effective?
If you want to explore how to get involved politically, a good place to begin is to look at the four basic roles of social activism and to explore which description fits your interests and your talents. All are needed and the trick is to find a good fit between needs and talent.
Lesson 3: Lobbying and Advocacy Work
Have you ever wanted to feel more confident to talk to elected officials?
You don't have to be an expert on the topic you want to advocate for. However, you do need to know how to prepare for a lobbying meeting, conduct the meeting efficiently, and do effective follow-up work with your elected official. This information is what will give you the confidence to speak out.
Lesson 5: Understanding How Government Works
What we didn't learn in our high school civics class!
If we want to be involved in changing policies and improving our communities, we need to know how our government is supposed to work. It can be complicated but there are some basic principles that you will learn in this module.
Lesson 6: Voter Outreach and Engagement
How do we most effectively reach out and motivate voters?
There are many tools at a candidate's disposal and several different philosophies about the most effective way to do voter outreach. In this module you will learn about the tools available and you can explore the philosophies of how to approach voters and develop what works for you.
Lesson 7: Development of Social Movements
When there are demonstrations in the streets, where do they come from and why do they disappear?
In this module you will learn how social movements like Black Lives Matter develop, the stages they go through, the skills that are needed in each stage and how to keep the issues alive in the public mind. You will learn about your own abilities and skills as an activist and how these are best utilized.
Lesson 8: The Constitution and US Laws
How do we cover all that in one 20-minute module?!
There has been an underlying struggle between two major forces that formed our constitution and continue to make our laws. The struggle between these forces has shaped our country from the beginning and will either allow us to make “a more perfect union” or will be our undoing as a nation.
Lesson 9: How to Frame the Issues
How do we talk about our ideas in an area where many may not agree?
There are ways to talk about our issues that use the framework and world view of others. In this module we will explore how to talk about the issues we support in ways that fit a different world view so that we bring new people along to build our base.
Lesson 10: Envisioning A New World
We know what we are against. Do we really know what we are for? If we don't know our destination, how will we get there?
We know what we are against but do we really know what we are for? This is a hard question that must be answered if we want to create a new society that is more just and livable. If we do not know our destination, how can we get there?
Lesson 11: How To Run A Campaign
Don't re-invent the wheel – learn what works from others.
The best campaigns focus on the issues and reach out to people with a clear message of what can change and what can be done. Learn how to run a cohesive campaign that focuses on listening to community people, changing the dialogue and building a strong base rather than just getting elected.
Lesson 12: Doughnut Economics
We know this present economy is not working but what else is there?
There are many new approaches to how economies can be set up. This one is very easy to understand and sets out a whole new way of looking at the field of economics and what is important for the world we live in today.